D.va's Pistol from Overwatch.  This was an early project of mine to explore the limits of Fusion 360.

The Hasbro nerf pistol version. The real version is hard to get dead on photos of. I used to love playing as D.va

The GlitchPOP knife from Valorant. Modeling the angles proved quite hard.

The OG knife. 

Hard surface modeling practice test made in Fusion 360. Most of the helmet was made with surfacing tools. I learned way too late in the project that I probably should have used the Form environment instead, But the goal was to learn surfacing so...

The Master Chief's Helmet from HALO. 

Two Larp weapons I made that used surfacing heavily. Both are safe toys for use in Live action Role Play games.

The Old Pokeball from Legends Arceus. 

A toy of the game model.

My Autocad Final project. We were told to make our dream house. Any colored furniture was actually made by me also, and saved as blocks. The house was meant to be built around an inner garden. A  sloping roof that goes into the garden would collect rainwater into a home aquifer that would feed the garden, as well as that blue ring you see on the middle right, which is a sort of in-ground aquarium that you could walk on.

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