The Mermaid is a self-rescue inflatable that I prototyped to a high level of function. Through significant experimentation, I created a fully functional version, pictured above. I did my best to mimic real-world processes and interviewed lifeguards and victims to influence the design.

Early concept sketches and ideation. Other ideas were explored like having a drone bring patrons a bouy or a blaster that shot life rings, but the arm-mounted device was chosen because it would already be on the patron, and this provides better Liability coverage to the beach owner.

Many prototypes were made for this project. I had some experience making inflatables from my Pyb helmet, but I had to work out how to better incorporate sewing and 3D-printed TPU components. I ended up developing or mimicking several processes that mimic industrial-scale methods. I am quite proud of the logo application, it is made of a special flexible reflector material.

I died. The water was so cold!

The following slides are of the TRITON tower system, which technically was my partner's project, but I ended up modeling most of it and the design was based on my early research. The system pairs with my MermAIDs by acting as a triggering system and providing early warning to life guards and beach goers about threats.

Thanks to Caroline for being a lovely model for the Photoshoot!

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